About Us
To motivate, train, and equip Seventh-day Adventist physicians and dentists to team with pastors and members, uniting the church to restore Christ’s ministry of healing to the world, hastening His return.
The training of Seventh-day Adventist physicians and dentists to be effective medical evangelists. Christ’s methods of loving service through the ministry of healing will naturally open hearts to the gospel and the truths of the Bible. AMEN will cultivate the following essential qualities:
- A living faith, a temperate life, and a commitment to family.
- A deep yearning for souls to be restored to the image of God.
- A conviction that each must participate in finishing the great commission.
- Obedience to Bible and Spirit of Prophecy counsel on medical ministry.
- Skill in applying practical, spiritual approaches in a clinical context.
- Annual national conferences which promote medical evangelism through:
- Inspirational messages
- Seminars and workshops to examine and apply prophetic principles and guidelines
- Testimonials
- Networking opportunities
- Mission opportunities
- Regional chapters that provide fellowship, accountability, and training.
- A journal dedicated to Medical Evangelism.
- Support of medical/dental interdivisional employees (IDE).
- Mentor Seventh-day Adventist medical/dental students, residents, and fellows.
- Actively cooperate with the Seventh-day Adventist church and its supporting ministries to promote and foster medical evangelism.